Wilder Kent 2030

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Wilder Kent 2030

Action and innovation for nature

Help us create a #WilderKent

Nature is in crisis and our #WilderKent 2030 Strategy sets out how we can work together to save it.

The natural world isn't just something for us to enjoy; it sustains us. The decline of nature puts our very survival and prosperity under threat. It doesn't have to be like this. Our vision is for a better, wilder future. Our plan is both ambitious and innovative, and will deliver the urgent action that must be taken to tackle the nature and climate crises.

Join us in creating a #WilderKent.

Our mission is to increase wildlife abundance and climate resilience across 30% of Kent's land and sea.

Wildlife must be restored to support key natural processes like pollination, we can no longer allow common things to become rare. By working with communities and partners, we believe that we can save and restore our natural world.

Kent Wildlife Trust is working to ensure that our wildlife is protected and restored, now and in the future. We work to help organisations, people and communities connect to nature and care for our natural places.

Through membership, engagement and partnership we aim to develop a lifelong relationship with communities and provide opportunities for people to take action for wildlife locally, nationally and internationally.

Help us create a #WilderKent

We will achieve this 2030 vision by meeting three key goals. Find out more below:

Bison calf by Donovan Wright

Bison calf by Donovan Wright.

Goal 1

We defend and restore

We'll continue to develop nature-based land management practices, while giving wildlife a voice through our campaigns and communications. 

Target: Double the area of land and sea under nature-positive Kent Wildlife Trust ownership, management and influence.

Find out more
Children Pond Dipping Tyland Barn opening march 22
Goal 2

We inspire and collaborate

We cannot deliver #WilderKent 2030 on our own. To inspire others, we will increase our engagement with communities, businesses and stakeholders to reach a larger, more diverse range of people.

Target: Inspire 25% of Kent’s population to take meaningful action for a #WilderKent.

Visit our reserves

Robert Canis

Goal 3

We strengthen and grow

We will innovate through continual learning from national and international best practice, and create and share it. This will allow us to become a more resilient, demonstrably impactful and sustainable organisation.

Target: Diversify our income sources and strengthen our systems to reduce operational greenhouse gas emissions.

Help us create a #WilderKent
Seagrass bed

Seagrass bed © Paul Naylor

How will we do it?

Action Now - We recognise the urgency of our mission and will take action now based on first principles and calculated risk.

Learning by Doing - We will remain agile to adopt new learning as we go, innovating and continuously improving our action through continually building evidence.

Communicating Impact - We will continuously measure and communicate our impact, demonstrating and sharing our learning journey through the impact we achieve.

Scaling Impact - We recognise that we can’t do this alone. We will scale our impact by working with others to create a virtuous circle of success.

Support us

How you can help

Every time you visit, shop or donate to us, you are supporting nature and wildlife in Kent; you are helping to create a #WilderKent.

Check out some of the projects enabling the Wilder Kent 2030 Strategy here: