Forest School for Home Education families

Child hopping on wooden logs at a kent wildlife trust forest school experience day

Home Ed Forest School

Kent Wildlife Trust Home Ed Forest School offers exciting opportunities for self-learning, exploration and discovery.

Children develop skills whilst increasing their knowledge and understanding of the world, encouraging respect for their environment and re-connection with nature.

The outdoor setting encourages a relationship with the natural world, whilst offering opportunities to learn new and transferable skills. A range of learner-centred processes and supported risks develop resilient, confident, independent and creative children.

Hands Up

WildNet - Helen Walsh

Wild Learning

Forest School is den-building, stick-whittling, fire-making, marshmallow-toasting time outside, whatever the weather. Forest School activities are proven to improve self-esteem, confidence and resilience and to develop key skills for independent learning.

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Get in touch to find out more

Want to know more about Forest School? Then please email us at or call 01622 662012.